- A. Kempis Thomas
- Abba
- Abeland, Peter (1079–1142)
- Abide
- Abomination of Desolation
- Abortion
- Abraham’s Bosom
- Absolute
- Absolute Inerrancy
- Absoluteness Of God
- Absolution
- Abstinence
- Abyss
- Accommodation
- Actual Sin
- Adiaphora, Adiaphorism
- Adonai
- Adoption
- Adoptionism
- Adultery
- Advent
- Advent of Christ
- Adventism
- Advocate
- Aeon
- Aesthetic, Christian view of
- Affiction
- Affusion
- Agape
- Age of Accountability
- Age, ages
- Agnosticism
- Agriola, Johann
- Aids, Gift of
- Alain
- Albertus Magus
- Albright, William Foxwell
- Alexander of Hales
- Alexander, Samuel
- Alexandia, Archibald
- Alexandria Theology
- Allegory
- Alleine, Joseph
- Allowance
- Almighty
- Alms, Almsgiving
- Alpha and Omega
- Altar
- Althaus, Paul (1888-1966)
- Ambrose (kh. 340–397)
- Amen
- American Puritanism
- Ames, William (1576–1633)
- Amsdorf, Nicholas von (1483–1565)
- Amyraut, Moise (1595–1664)
- Anabaptists
- Analogy
- Analogy of Being
- Analogy of Faith
- Anathema
- Andover Controversy
- Andreae, James (1528–1590)
- Angelican Communion
- Anger
- Angle
- Anglo Catholicism
- Annihilationism
- Anoint, Anointing
- Anselm of Canterbury (c.1033–1109)
- Anthopology of Religion
- Anthropomorphism
- Anthroposophy
- Anti-Christ
- Anti-semitism
- Antinomianism
- Antiochene Theology
- Antitrinitarianism
- Antitype
- Anxiety
- Apocalyptic
- Apocrypha, New Testament
- Apocrypha, Old Testament
- Apollinarianism
- Apologetics
- Apostasy
- Apostle, Apostleship
- Apostolic Succession
- Apostolic Vicar
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Archangle
- Archbishop
- Archpriest
- Argument for the Existence of God
- Arianism
- Aristotle, Aristotelianism
- Ark of Covenant
- Armageddon
- Arminianism
- Arminius, James (1561–1609)
- Armstrongism
- Art, Christian
- Articles of Religion
- Articles, The Thirty-nine
- Asbury, Francis (1745–1816)
- Ascension of Christ
- Ascetical Theology
- Aseity of God
- Ash Wednesday
- Asian Theology
- Assumption of Mary
- Assurance of Faith
- Assurance of Pardon
- Astrology
- Athanasian Creed
- Athanasius (ca. 296-373)
- Atheism
- Atheism, Christian
- Atonement
- Atonement, Day of
- Attributes of God
- Attributes of God
- Auburn Affirmation, 1924
- Auburn Declaration (1837)
- Augsburg Confession (1530)
- Augustine of Canterbury
- Augustine of Hippo (354–430)
- Authority in the Bible
- Authority in the Church
- Authority of the Bible
- Authority Scripture
- Avenger of Blood
- Avocate
- Avocate
- Awe
- Azusa Street Revial (1906)
- Baal
- Babylon
- Backsliding
- Ballic, John (1880–1960)
- Baptism
- Baptism For The Dead
- Baptism of Jesus
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Baptism, Infant
- Barclay, Williams (1907–1979)
- Barth, Karl (1886–1968)
- Basel, First Confession of (1534)
- Basil the Great (ca. 330–379)
- Baur, Ferdinand Christian (1792–1860)
- Baxter, Richard (1615–1691)
- Beatific Vision
- Beelzebul
- Begotten
- Being
- Benediction
- Berdyaev, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1874–1948)
- Berkeley, George (1685–1753)
- Berkhof, Louis (1873–1957)
- Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153)
- Beza, Theodore (1519–1605)
- Bible
- Bible Schools
- Bible Societies
- Bible, Authority in
- Bible, Canon of
- Bible, Inerrancy and Infallibility of
- Bible, Inspiration of
- Biblical Commentary
- Biblical Commission, Pontifical
- Biblical Criticism
- Biblical Realism
- Biblicism, Bibliolatry
- Bibliology
- Binding and Loosing
- Binitarianism
- Bioethics
- Birth Control
- Birth of Jesus Christ
- Bishop
- Bishop of Rome
- Bishop’s Bible, The (1568)
- Bishop’s Book, The (1537)
- Bishop’s War, The (163–1640)
- Black Canons
- Black Friars
- Black Mass
- Black Monks
- Black Theology
- Blasphemy
- Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
- Bless, Blessed, Blessing
- Blessed Sacrament
- Blessed Virgin
- Blood
- Blood of Jesus
- Boasting/Pride
- Body
- Body – Soul Dualism
- Bohemian Brethren
- Bonaventure (1221–1274)
- Bondage of Sin
- Bondage of Sin
- Bondage of the Will
- Bondage of the Will
- Bondage, Freedom from
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906 –1945)
- Book of Common Order
- Book of Common Prayer
- Book of Common Prayer
- Book of Concord (1580)
- Book of Confessions
- Book of Discipline
- Book of Life
- Born Again
- Born Again, Regeneration
- Born of the Spirit
- Boston, Thomas (1676–1732)
- Bottomless Pit
- Bread, Leavened and Unleavened
- Breeches Bible (1560)
- Brethren of the Common Life
- Bride of Christ
- Brief Statement of Faith (1991)
- Bristish Israel Theory
- Brokenness of Revelation
- Brown, William Adama (1865–1943)
- Brunner Heinrich Emil (1889 – 1966)
- Brushnell, Horace (1802 – 1876)
- Buber, Martin (1879 – 1965)
- Bucer, Martin and Bucerias (1491 – 1551)
- Bulgakov, Sergei Nikolaevich (1870 – 1944)
- Bull, Papal
- Bullinger, Johann Heinrich (1504 – 1575)
- Bultmann Rudolf (1884 – 1976)
- Bunyan, John (1628-1688)
- Butler, Joseph (1692 – 1752)
- Byzantine Period
- C. E “Common Era”
- Caesar
- Cainites
- Caird, John (1820 – 1898)
- Cajatan, Thomas de Vio (1469 – 1534)
- Calendar, Liturgical
- Call, Calling
- Calvary
- Calvin, John (1509 – 1564)
- Cambridge Platform (1648)
- Cambridge Platonists
- Camisards/ Camisard Wars
- Camp Meetings
- Campbell, Alexander (1788 – 1866)
- Campbell, John Mcleod (1800 – 1872)
- Candle Mass
- Canon
- Canoness
- Canonization
- Canons of the Synod Of
- Canons Regular
- Canticles
- Capital Punishment
- Cappadocian Fathers
- Cardianl Virtues, Seven
- Cardinal
- Cardinal Virtues
- Cardiognosis
- Carlstadt, Andreas Bodenstein Von (1477 – 1541)
- Carmelite Order
- Carnal
- Carnell, Edward John (1919 – 1967)
- Carol
- Caroline Divines, The
- Cartesianism
- Carthage, Conncils of
- Carthusians Order
- Casuistry
- Catabaptists
- Catacombs
- Cataphatic Theology
- Cataphrygians
- Catechesis
- Cathari
- Catholic
- Catholic Church, Roman
- Catholic Relations
- Cause, First
- Cause/ Causation
- Celestial Flesh Christology
- Celibacy
- Cell Group
- Cenaculum, the
- Cenobite
- Centre (center) Pulpit
- Centre Exchange
- Centre Supply
- Certificate of Ordination
- Chalcedon Council of (451)
- Chalcedonian Christology
- Chaldee
- Chancellor, Diocesan
- Channing, William Ellery
- Chapel
- Chaplain
- Character, Sacramental
- Charism/ Charismata
- Charismatic Movement
- Charity
- Cherubim
- Chicago School of Theology
- Child of God or Children of God
- Chiliasm
- Chrism
- Christ
- Christ as Priest
- Christ of Faith
- Christ the King, Feast of
- Christ, Blood of
- Christ, Deity Of
- Christ, Exaltation of
- Christ, Humanity of
- Christ, Humiliation of
- Christ, Kingship of
- Christ, Mysticism
- Christ, Nature of
- Christ, Office of
- Christ, Person of
- Christ, Preexistence of
- Christ, Reign of
- Christ, Satisfaction of
- Christ, Two Nature of
- Christ, Vicarious Death of
- Christ, Work of
- Christendom
- Christian
- Christian Doctrines
- Christian Education
- Christian Ethics
- Christian Platonism
- Christian Science
- Christian Theology
- Christmas Conference (1784)
- Christocentrism
- Christological Heresy
- Christology
- Christonorphic
- Christotokos
- Church and State, the Separation of
- Church Constitution
- Church Father, Early
- Church Government
- Church Growth
- Church History
- Church Militant
- Church Of Christ Uniting
- Church of God
- Church Officers
- Church Order
- Church Universal
- Church, Authority in the
- Church, Biblical Images of the
- Church, Invisbile
- Church, Local
- Church, Mission of the
- Church, Visible
- Churh, Doctrine of the
- Circuit Rider
- Circumcision
- City of God
- Civil Disobedience
- Civil Religion
- Civil Rightconscience
- Civil Righteousness
- Civil Rights
- Classical Metaphysics
- Classical Theology
- Classism
- Cleanness
- Clemont, Council of (1095)
- Clergy
- Clinical Theology
- Cocceius, Johannas (1603 – 1669)
- Codex
- College of Cardinals
- Collegialism
- Comforter
- Common Bible (1966)
- Common Grace
- Common Order, The Book
- Common Sense Philosophy
- Common Worship, The Book of
- Communication of Attributes
- Communion of the Saint
- Communion, Holy
- Communitarianism
- Comparative
- Comparative Religion
- Conception, Immaculate
- Conceptualism
- Concilar/Conciliarism
- Concomitance
- Concord, Book of (1580)
- Concord, Formular of (1577)
- Concordance
- Condemnation
- Condignity
- Conditional Immortality
- Confessing Church
- Confession
- Confession of 1967
- Confession of Dositheus (1672)
- Confession of Faith
- Confession of Sin, Corporate
- Confessionalism
- Confingency
- Confirmation
- Congregation
- Congruism
- Conscience
- Consecration
- Consequence/ Consequentialism
- Consequences of Sin
- Conservation
- Consistence
- Constantinople, Council of (381AD)
- Constructive Theology
- Consummation of the Age
- Contemplation
- Contempolative Orders
- Contemporaneity
- Contemporary English Version (CEV, 1995)
- Context, Conextual, Contextualization Theology
- Contrition
- Conversion
- Conviction of Sin
- Conviction of Sin
- Convocation
- Cornerstone, Christ As
- Corporate, Prayer of Confession
- Corporeal Acts, The Sevent
- Corpus Christi, Feast of
- Correlation, Method of
- Corruption
- Cosmos
- Council of Trent (1546 – 1563)
- Councils, Ecumenical
- Counselor (c.16)
- Counter Reformation/ Catholic Reformation
- Covenant / Testament
- Coverdale Bible (1535)
- Creation
- Creation, Doctrine of
- Creationism
- Creationism, Progressive
- Creationist View of the Soul
- Creative
- Creator
- Creature, New
- Creed
- Creed, Baptismal
- Crisis
- Crisis Theology
- Critical Realism
- Criticism, Biblical
- Cross, Crucifixion
- Crucified With Christ
- Crusades
- Crusades, Evangelistic
- Cult
- Culture
- Culutre, Theology of
- Curse
- Cyclical View of History
- Cyril of Alexandria (c. 444)